There are multiple reasons why a grown man might need to be put into diapers for diaper lover phone sex. If you’re a grown man who acts like a tiny little baby, well, then you might just need to be treated like one. Do you throw tantrums and act up when things don’t go your way, and you don’t get what you want? Well, that’s a good reason to be forced to wear diapers, don’t you think? Once you grow up and start to act right, then you might be able to go back to wearing big boy underwear. But not until then, and not until you’ve been well behaved for a while. And diapers are not going to be your only punishment. I’ll make you lie across my lap, and I will spank your bare, naughty little ass before putting you in the floor to get into your diaper.
Another reason you might be made to wear diapers is if you wake up in a puddle in your bed. If you can’t control your bladder at your age, then you deserve to be diapered up and treated like a tiny little baby. And I don’t really give a fuck why you piss in bed. It could be due to nightmares, trauma, or some medical condition. That doesn’t matter at all to me. You should not be fucking pissing in your bed at your age and I’ll do what I have to do to stop it. Are you a diaper boy in the making? Do you need to be treated like a wittle baby? Get on the phone and give me a call and I’ll make it happen. I live to punish men like you. Just dial 1 888 72 KINKY and ask to talk to Mommy Simone right now.